Sunday Services: We are currently worshipping in-person at 8 & 10:15. You may also participate virtually at 10:15 through our livestream service. 
8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite II – The 8:00 am worship is a simple, quiet service. The service begins with the Liturgy of the Word (scripture, prayers, and sermon) and ends with the Liturgy of the Table (Holy Communion). There is no music at this service, and it lasts approximately 45 minutes.
10:15 am Holy Eucharist Rite II – The 10:15 am service includes full choir and music, childcare, and Sunday School during the program year (September-May). This service usually lasts 75 minutes. Following the service there is a time of fellowship and refreshments. In the summer, this service still includes music, but is simpler and shorter.
Wednesday Service
12:00 pm Holy Eucharist Rite II – The noon worship service on Wednesdays is a simple, 30-minute service with scripture, prayers, homily, and the Eucharist. This service is great for people who work on Sundays, or who would like to gather in the middle of the week. This service is held in the Chapel of Mary Magdalene (through office entrance on Bradley Avenue).
Contemplative Service
5:30 pm Thursdays – A 30-minute service of chanting, silence, and quiet reflection on scripture. This service is held in the Chapel of Mary Magdalene (through office entrance on Bradley Avenue).
Centering Prayer
9am Saturdays – Two 20 minute periods of silent meditation intersperse with walking meditation in Mary Magdalene Chapel. Learn more about Centering Prayer HERE.
The Daily Office
Morning Prayer (8am) and Evening Prayer (5pm) are celebrated on Zoom every weekday. Links for these services are HERE.
All are welcome at any of our services, whether you are passing through, seeking a faith community, or just drawn to participating once and a while.